
Advice for my mom please!

My mother is a few years from retirement. Prior to the pandemic, she was hired by a public school district in Indiana under a supervisor who allowed her to work remote 3 or so days a week, to offset her 1 1/2 hour commute each way. She had worked with this supervisor in the past and had been sort of recruited. If there was a big meeting or something, she may change the days she came in that week, but she was allowed quite a bit of remote. The pandemic happened and everyone went remote. The supervisor took a position elsewhere and now the new superintendent has demanded everyone return in person. She's in a central department, not at a school. She talked to HR and they told her it was not part of her employment and a verbal agreement with her former supervisor, so for now, she has to…

My mother is a few years from retirement. Prior to the pandemic, she was hired by a public school district in Indiana under a supervisor who allowed her to work remote 3 or so days a week, to offset her 1 1/2 hour commute each way. She had worked with this supervisor in the past and had been sort of recruited. If there was a big meeting or something, she may change the days she came in that week, but she was allowed quite a bit of remote. The pandemic happened and everyone went remote. The supervisor took a position elsewhere and now the new superintendent has demanded everyone return in person. She's in a central department, not at a school. She talked to HR and they told her it was not part of her employment and a verbal agreement with her former supervisor, so for now, she has to return 5 days/week and wait and see when they fill her supervisor's roll, if they will even allow it. My mom has a retired husband at home and cannot drive 2.5 hours every single day for a job that pays 38k just to keep health insurance. What can she do? I told her to just keep using the schedule her former supervisor set up and wait until they fire here and then claim unemployment or just get Medicaid. We don't know anything about her eligibility. Even though it was not in her employment contract and verbal, it seems there was a precedent set and this drastic change is going to cause her unnecessary hardship. She's been there 5 years or more. Help me advise her on what to do. She just needs health insurance until she's able to retire.

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