
being autistic in a neurotypical workplace is hell

how is it that i can work 60-80 hours a week on my small business but working 20 hours at my day job feels like torture? i want to just take my art fulltime but that isnt financially viable quite yet so i HAVE to have a day job. so much for my workplace being inclusive when i get treated like a burden on their business for having sensory issues and being “slow” (aka methodical and always up to standard). (tw talk of death ahead) im so tired. working a day job makes me straight up want to down the lethal dose of beta blockers i have in my cabinet. i nearly did yesterday. i just want to make art, while is working a “normal” job so painful??

how is it that i can work 60-80 hours a week on my small business but working 20 hours at my day job feels like torture? i want to just take my art fulltime but that isnt financially viable quite yet so i HAVE to have a day job. so much for my workplace being inclusive when i get treated like a burden on their business for having sensory issues and being “slow” (aka methodical and always up to standard).

(tw talk of death ahead) im so tired. working a day job makes me straight up want to down the lethal dose of beta blockers i have in my cabinet. i nearly did yesterday. i just want to make art, while is working a “normal” job so painful??

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