
A friend of mine quit his job today, I’m handing in my notice Friday

A friend of mine handed in his notice this morning and understandably my boss is furious. This guy busts his ass to make sure things are done properly and all upper management can do is nitpick at his tiny mistakes and sit on their asses and literally do fuck all all day. He has enough as of now and got himself a new better paying job but I intentionally let it slip that I had job interviews on my days off last week to one of the snakes in my office knowing full well it would reach upper managements ears They are now super pissed at him because they now realise that they could potentially lose the contract mainly because of him and me holding it together. He said it felt great to hand over the notice but now I'm super nervous about handing mine in but also because I…

A friend of mine handed in his notice this morning and understandably my boss is furious. This guy busts his ass to make sure things are done properly and all upper management can do is nitpick at his tiny mistakes and sit on their asses and literally do fuck all all day.

He has enough as of now and got himself a new better paying job but I intentionally let it slip that I had job interviews on my days off last week to one of the snakes in my office knowing full well it would reach upper managements ears

They are now super pissed at him because they now realise that they could potentially lose the contract mainly because of him and me holding it together.

He said it felt great to hand over the notice but now I'm super nervous about handing mine in but also because I know I don't have anything else to go to but at this moment I don't really care. I'm flat out at work and criminally underpaid and I know that they will pile his work onto me but I'm not going to let them

Fuck that company.

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