
Will I still be getting my check?

A little over a month ago I got a job as a housekeeper. In the state of Colorado you have to have a photo ID as well as either SS card or birth certificate. I didn’t know this and only have my SS card and my birth certificate. My boss didn’t tell me it wasn’t the proper paper work until after I had been scheduled and worked two shifts. She said if I want to continue to be employed with them I need to get a photo ID. unfortunately in those 2-3 days I completely lost both of my identification papers. This was 3 and half weeks ago. I did get 2 checks so far technically but the other day said she doesn’t know if I will be getting one on the 20th for the last 2 weeks I’ve worked. It has something to do with “if the company gets…

A little over a month ago I got a job as a housekeeper. In the state of Colorado you have to have a photo ID as well as either SS card or birth certificate. I didn’t know this and only have my SS card and my birth certificate. My boss didn’t tell me it wasn’t the proper paper work until after I had been scheduled and worked two shifts. She said if I want to continue to be employed with them I need to get a photo ID. unfortunately in those 2-3 days I completely lost both of my identification papers. This was 3 and half weeks ago. I did get 2 checks so far technically but the other day said she doesn’t know if I will be getting one on the 20th for the last 2 weeks I’ve worked. It has something to do with “if the company gets audited they have to pay thousands in fines.” Idk to me it seems like an error on their part and if I wasn’t supposed to be working I shouldn’t have been scheduled but regardless I was and I worked for 2 more weeks. I’m technically working on the next pay period right now. Literally I’m typing this on my lunch break. Anyway, are they allowed to just not pay me because they don’t have the correct documentation for me to be employed even tho they scheduled me and had me come in?

Thank you in advance!

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