
Retail / consumer companies are complaining about a loss in revenue / sales… so… pay more?

I don't see where this misunderstanding comes from. if you want your people to spend more money. then they need money to spend. its hard for a lot of americans who are living pay-check to pay-check to be able to afford more consumer goods when they literally don't have the money to spend. How can companies complain about making less money when they provide poverty wages? now, i'm sure there is more to it but this must be a large part.

I don't see where this misunderstanding comes from. if you want your people to spend more money. then they need money to spend. its hard for a lot of americans who are living pay-check to pay-check to be able to afford more consumer goods when they literally don't have the money to spend.

How can companies complain about making less money when they provide poverty wages?

now, i'm sure there is more to it but this must be a large part.

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