This is the third in a series of posts I've made here trying to spread useful knowledge.
This is a follow up on how my scheme to take more control over my own employment has worked out. I'm happy to report the op was more than successful. I not only am guaranteed the schedule I want, the head of the store was so moved by my performance that she gave me her personal number.
Now I have a direct line to the highest physical authority within the building.
I'm pretty sure she wants to fuck me. Nice lady but not my type. Of course this is irrelevant as seduction is the best tool of any Interzone agent.
Regardless, I will probe management for further information. Possibly penetrate the digital security v'ger with my specialized ACME usdICK penetration tool.
For now though resume cover as a degenerate on Reddit. Transmission Complete.
Please insert more flark to continue bjlgrflj saje edd.