
Mask wearing

By no means am I an anti-masker, but it has been two and a half years and we are still being forced to wear them at any given time at the employer’s discretion. The mandate will drop and than someone’s brother’s cousin’s friend will have covid and it is back to wearing masks for two weeks. Not only does this make performing work all the more tedious, it has caused an immense level of acne scarring to my face that will last for the rest of my life. I understand that masks work and help prevent the spread, but it has been two and a half years and to have your face finally begin to clear up only to be forced to wear a mask once more is insanely frustrating. This is made more frustrating due to the fact that we do not work in food service, and to go…

By no means am I an anti-masker, but it has been two and a half years and we are still being forced to wear them at any given time at the employer’s discretion. The mandate will drop and than someone’s brother’s cousin’s friend will have covid and it is back to wearing masks for two weeks. Not only does this make performing work all the more tedious, it has caused an immense level of acne scarring to my face that will last for the rest of my life. I understand that masks work and help prevent the spread, but it has been two and a half years and to have your face finally begin to clear up only to be forced to wear a mask once more is insanely frustrating. This is made more frustrating due to the fact that we do not work in food service, and to go and see people serving you food not having to wear masks just isn’t right.

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