
WFH & Antiquated Mindsets

The organization I work for decided to so graciously provide my department with a single day of WFH. Extremely generous, I know. Of course, they couldn't just present it to us as adults, there had to be the attitude of: you better be grateful we're doing this, and we're going to control your WFH experience in every single way possible. The department VP is extremely anti-WFH and due to the corporate hierarchical structure, his arbitrary opinion trumps all. He believes that companies are losing that “special collaboration aspect” by allowing employees to consistently work from home. Meanwhile, he only steps foot out of his office to use the bathroom. Your one day will be assigned -The department reserves the right to terminate WFH whenever they see fit -If your dedicated WFH day falls on a holiday or the department needs you in the office on that day, you cannot make…

The organization I work for decided to so graciously provide my department with a single day of WFH. Extremely generous, I know. Of course, they couldn't just present it to us as adults, there had to be the attitude of: you better be grateful we're doing this, and we're going to control your WFH experience in every single way possible. The department VP is extremely anti-WFH and due to the corporate hierarchical structure, his arbitrary opinion trumps all. He believes that companies are losing that “special collaboration aspect” by allowing employees to consistently work from home. Meanwhile, he only steps foot out of his office to use the bathroom.

Your one day will be assigned

-The department reserves the right to terminate WFH whenever they see fit

-If your dedicated WFH day falls on a holiday or the department needs you in the office on that day, you cannot make it up that week

-You need to be accessible via camera at all times, and you're required to wear business casual on camera (I LOL'd at this one big time, especially since my manager had a legit cheap t-shirt on while reading this)

-You must be in the call queue 100% of the day, even if your position does not require this while you're in the office

I've already been spoken to twice in regard to my not being on camera during a meeting and being out of the call queue to complete EXTRA admin work I was given by my manager since I “now get to work from home.”

It's just sad because my previous two positions were 4/5 days per week work-from-home and there aren't a slew of rules. It just…. was. I made a bad career move, unfortunately.

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