
You’re not an Engineer

I started a new job and grad school peak pandemic. Since day 1 my boss told the engineers we work with to include me in all relevant conversations since that’s my background and eventual masters degree will be in. It’s what I wanted and the info is relevant my position anyway. I don’t hold an official engineering title on my team but I’ve essentially done the job since I started..Don’t worry, I’m not working 40 hours even with extra tasks. Last week we were on a call talking about quality issues with our supplier and they asked for specific direction on a few very easy issues and no one from the team responds. It’s dead silent for a solid minute so I ask a clarifying question and get a good answer. crickets. I chime in to say their direction makes sense but I’m only one person on the call. crickets.…

I started a new job and grad school peak pandemic. Since day 1 my boss told the engineers we work with to include me in all relevant conversations since that’s my background and eventual masters degree will be in. It’s what I wanted and the info is relevant my position anyway. I don’t hold an official engineering title on my team but I’ve essentially done the job since I started..Don’t worry, I’m not working 40 hours even with extra tasks.
Last week we were on a call talking about quality issues with our supplier and they asked for specific direction on a few very easy issues and no one from the team responds. It’s dead silent for a solid minute so I ask a clarifying question and get a good answer. crickets. I chime in to say their direction makes sense but I’m only one person on the call. crickets. So the meeting moved on with my “acceptance”. Then one engineer from my team says ‘hey that’s not your call- you have to let the lead eng make that’. Sure…but no one was saying anything. YOU didn’t say anything?! And I’d hardly say I ‘made a call’. Keep in mind it’s a trivial decision.

The next day my boss calls and tells me I need to stay in my lane and I’m not an engineer. You didn’t do anything wrong, but….blah blah. Cool – I’ll do my 10 hours of work and claim 40. If that’s what you want. I’ll not be an engineer until I get my piece of paper and bounce.

TLDR; was told I can’t do certain tasks I completed for over a year because my official title doesn’t say ‘engineer’. Now I do absolutely nothing 4/5 days a week.

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