
Friends job might’ve caused boil on her sons butt.

My friend works at a daycare. She has 2 kids so they’re able to go to said daycare. She’s noticed that her sons butt has constantly smelled like poop after leaving daycare even though he hasn’t pooped. She spoke with the main person at daycare and they said they’d address it. Few days go by and nothing changes. After 2 more conversations her son ended up severely red with his butt inflamed and very hard. A boil which was leaking pus and blood appeared. Her son is now in the hospital, he has to get his boil lanced and can’t leave the hospital until all redness is gone. She’s a single mom with 2 toddlers looking at 2 weeks with no pay. The “teacher” in her sons room admitted over text to not changing his butt as good as she should’ve and not following protocol. Is there anything legally she…

My friend works at a daycare. She has 2 kids so they’re able to go to said daycare. She’s noticed that her sons butt has constantly smelled like poop after leaving daycare even though he hasn’t pooped. She spoke with the main person at daycare and they said they’d address it. Few days go by and nothing changes. After 2 more conversations her son ended up severely red with his butt inflamed and very hard. A boil which was leaking pus and blood appeared. Her son is now in the hospital, he has to get his boil lanced and can’t leave the hospital until all redness is gone. She’s a single mom with 2 toddlers looking at 2 weeks with no pay. The “teacher” in her sons room admitted over text to not changing his butt as good as she should’ve and not following protocol. Is there anything legally she can do so that she doesn’t get stuck with hospital bills + falling behind on regular monthly bills?

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