
I fell almost 30 feet off of a roof onto a fence and peeled my legs like a banana

Just two weeks ago i tried to force a mitre off of some gutter ( I work for a gutter company) well it came loose but I put too much force into it and went down with it right onto a metal fence. I'm not sure how far the drop was but it took a 28 foot ladder to get up there and it was such a long fall I actually had time to think about tucking my arms instead of holding them out and breaking them. My grandma and wife asked my boss why we don't use harnesses and his response was because we don't like them since they get tangled up but to be honest it's set up in a way that you could never use a harness due to the insane amount of worked forced on us, half the time we have to skip lunch. Im not…

Just two weeks ago i tried to force a mitre off of some gutter ( I work for a gutter company) well it came loose but I put too much force into it and went down with it right onto a metal fence. I'm not sure how far the drop was but it took a 28 foot ladder to get up there and it was such a long fall I actually had time to think about tucking my arms instead of holding them out and breaking them.

My grandma and wife asked my boss why we don't use harnesses and his response was because we don't like them since they get tangled up but to be honest it's set up in a way that you could never use a harness due to the insane amount of worked forced on us, half the time we have to skip lunch. Im not getting a bonus,raise, or anything to help just some horse shit workman's comp that most likely will be less than what my measly ass checks are. One of my coworkers is a little traumatized from hearing me scream and watching my legs squirt blood everywhere.

If you really think about it my life is worth 17 an hour or 25cents a foot… Idk why everyone pretends america isn't a horrifying dystopia for the working class, this is in the top 5 of the worst pains I've ever felt. If anyone wants to see the damage I posted it too r/eyebleach and r/NSFL

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