
Every single woman in the world should quit working completely, even nursing and all other emergency jobs, until every country grants women reproductive rights. Show them how the world stops spinning without you.

It has to be done. If you’re not caring for a minor, sure , take care of them, don’t make them suffer for what the adults did. The rest? Well, I’ll let you decide. I would hope that the world leaders wouldn’t dare play chicken for more than a day, but that’s the plan, for it to only take one or two days for them all to act unanimously to give women autonomy over their own bodies. Show the world exactly what happens when you stop taking care of it. The whole world will fall without you. Do it together. Afraid of not being paid? Demand for every single woman to be paid for each day you all quit. Demand that nobody gets fired. Do it together. If someone gets fired, NONE of you return back to work. Nobody return to work until you get that in writing. Not just…

It has to be done. If you’re not caring for a minor, sure , take care of them, don’t make them suffer for what the adults did. The rest? Well, I’ll let you decide. I would hope that the world leaders wouldn’t dare play chicken for more than a day, but that’s the plan, for it to only take one or two days for them all to act unanimously to give women autonomy over their own bodies.

Show the world exactly what happens when you stop taking care of it.

The whole world will fall without you. Do it together. Afraid of not being paid? Demand for every single woman to be paid for each day you all quit. Demand that nobody gets fired. Do it together. If someone gets fired, NONE of you return back to work. Nobody return to work until you get that in writing.

Not just for Roe v Wade in America, but every single other country on the planet. Then after that we can have EVERYONE quit working until the entire world gets paid fairly.

Every. Single. Person.

edit: Quit it with your pathetic excuses “I will go homeless.” Stop being a stupid stereotypical woman and think with your stupid woman brain, you fucking female. Does that piss you off? Because that is what society thinks of you. You are all weak, stupid, pathetic, useless, and totally not needed. SHOW THE WORLD HOW WRONG THEY ARE. I guarantee it wouldn’t take long at all. YOU make the demands, not your employers and world leaders. THEY DON’T DO ANY OF THE WORK. YOU DO. THEY DONT MAKE THE WORLD SPIN. YOU DO.


Or go ahead and prove those old men right, that all you women will always be stupid, weak, divided, subservient little bitches. And your bitch ass male friends and family can watch from the closet while your bosses fuck you against your will like the spineless bastards they are.

All you adults are fucking pathetic and stupid for not understanding exactly how powerful you are when you unite.

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