
I reported a coworker to HR. When I finally was called to meet with them, I was told “Sometimes we just need to put on our big girl pants.”

I've been dealing with a troublesome coworker for a year and a half now. I've sucked it up and was as friendly as I could be as I trained her day in and day out while listening to her snide, condescending and sometimes downright rude comments on things that weren't her business. Once I finished training her I thought I could just avoid her, but she constantly invaded my work space and interjected herself into anything and everything I did. After several recent comments about sensitive topics in my life, I decided I had had enough. I compiled a list of everything I could remember with specific dates, what she said or did and how I reacted to it. HR waited a week to reply while I stewed in my anxiety wondering if I had done the right thing. When I met HR, I was told that we all have…

I've been dealing with a troublesome coworker for a year and a half now.
I've sucked it up and was as friendly as I could be as I trained her day in and day out while listening to her snide, condescending and sometimes downright rude comments on things that weren't her business.

Once I finished training her I thought I could just avoid her, but she constantly invaded my work space and interjected herself into anything and everything I did.
After several recent comments about sensitive topics in my life, I decided I had had enough.
I compiled a list of everything I could remember with specific dates, what she said or did and how I reacted to it.

HR waited a week to reply while I stewed in my anxiety wondering if I had done the right thing.
When I met HR, I was told that we all have difficult coworkers and that “sometimes we just have to put on our big girl pants.” And then told me we have openings in other departments (none of which are my in my field).
Before this, I had been upset because of the situation, but that made me angry.

How is a comment like that in any way acceptable?

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