
How bad of an idea would it be to get into a bunch of credit card debt?

Am I crazy? I feel like I just reached my breaking point. No kids but we’re still fucking poor, bills and rent in CA take all our money, and barely have enough for food and gas to get to work (not including student loan payments that I wouldn’t be able to pay if it wasnt paused.) We can’t buy basic household supplies, our clothes/shoes are raggedy and abused, all our hand me down furniture is breaking, our house needs constant maintenance the landlord won’t do and I am just so so tired of struggling I’m willing to go into bankruptcy just to feel a little relief. My stupid job only pays $18/hr and because we’ve been reduced to 1 car, my partner can only work PT on the weekend while I take the car for my FT during the week. Like we’re going into a BAD recession, the money isnt…

Am I crazy? I feel like I just reached my breaking point. No kids but we’re still fucking poor, bills and rent in CA take all our money, and barely have enough for food and gas to get to work (not including student loan payments that I wouldn’t be able to pay if it wasnt paused.) We can’t buy basic household supplies, our clothes/shoes are raggedy and abused, all our hand me down furniture is breaking, our house needs constant maintenance the landlord won’t do and I am just so so tired of struggling I’m willing to go into bankruptcy just to feel a little relief. My stupid job only pays $18/hr and because we’ve been reduced to 1 car, my partner can only work PT on the weekend while I take the car for my FT during the week. Like we’re going into a BAD recession, the money isnt gonna be worth shit soon and its not like I can buy a house/car…I’m just sick of working 40 hrs a week and can never get ahead while rich people exploit loopholes and get saved by the government when they fuck up. If they don’t have to play by the rules, why the fuck should I

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