
Week 3 of my Data Entry position and I can already see where supervisors are cutting corners.

As the title says. Going through my orders today and so many things done by people above me were mislabled, forgotten, or just skipped over. I'm learning all this terminology, processes, etc., just to see that supervisors flying through orders aren't doing what I'm being taught to make sure to do. I also have a fear that my half-complaints (mostly made to myself, but also to my pod mates when asking them for help) will get me in trouble, even though they are arguably valid complaints. Like…should I do something about this? I already know I need to complain less because my comments could come back to bite me lmao. What do y'all think; have you had experiences like this, where you haven't even been at a job that long and already you come across these things?

As the title says. Going through my orders today and so many things done by people above me were mislabled, forgotten, or just skipped over. I'm learning all this terminology, processes, etc., just to see that supervisors flying through orders aren't doing what I'm being taught to make sure to do.

I also have a fear that my half-complaints (mostly made to myself, but also to my pod mates when asking them for help) will get me in trouble, even though they are arguably valid complaints.

Like…should I do something about this? I already know I need to complain less because my comments could come back to bite me lmao. What do y'all think; have you had experiences like this, where you haven't even been at a job that long and already you come across these things?

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