
Hot take: r/antiwork NEEDS the naysayers.

I see a lot of “bootlicker” comments being thrown around, increasingly lately. Guys and girls, we need this discourse. We need the disagreements or we don't grow. Furthermore, we need conversation, we need debate, we don't need insults and stubborn argument. We have to be open to listening to the thoughts of the opposition. Often, these thoughts are voiced with the good intention of sparking conversation and intellectual debate only to be met with a “fuck you, bootlicker” from someone who just wants to be right at the detriment of growth. (Really thought about linking a specific post here and decided against it, but if you feel attacked, it was yours) Opposition breeds advancement. Surrounding yourself with Yes-Men will stagnate your growth. If you don't like the argument “move where the jobs are,” challenge the people saying it to come up with ideas for how to make that work for…

I see a lot of “bootlicker” comments being thrown around, increasingly lately. Guys and girls, we need this discourse. We need the disagreements or we don't grow. Furthermore, we need conversation, we need debate, we don't need insults and stubborn argument.

We have to be open to listening to the thoughts of the opposition. Often, these thoughts are voiced with the good intention of sparking conversation and intellectual debate only to be met with a “fuck you, bootlicker” from someone who just wants to be right at the detriment of growth. (Really thought about linking a specific post here and decided against it, but if you feel attacked, it was yours)

Opposition breeds advancement. Surrounding yourself with Yes-Men will stagnate your growth.

If you don't like the argument “move where the jobs are,” challenge the people saying it to come up with ideas for how to make that work for those who feel they can't just up and move. Instead of putting them down, put them to work.

Infighting is exactly what the corporate overlords want us to do, it's time to identify the common enemy and create allies from the opposition. If we continue to push away everyone who isn't die-hard on our side, we will continue to be viewed as a whiny child throwing a tantrum. We cannot change minds if we dismiss those whose minds we want to change. We cannot alienate people we seek to change, we have to embrace them.

Antiwork, you're better than this. You have to be better than this. Otherwise what's the point?

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