
It’s amazing what happens when you just quit.

Key administrative position in our team was deemed a needed cut to reduce company overheads. Our team was told it was a temporary decision in anticipation of projected losses because of covid and we were expected to absorb the duties of this position despite our still excessive workload. Company is in record profits just FYi. My career progression plan was put on hold indefinitely and I only found out about this after asking repeatedly get non answers. As my current position was deemed vital for company growth (recruiter). I love my team but it feel like I'm the only one ever speaking up so I out right quit. I voiced my objection with evidence of unreasonable workload and if this happens can they can start having discussions of TOIL, overtime terms, KPI adjustments etc and I shared info about these things with my team. As this wasn't brought up in…

Key administrative position in our team was deemed a needed cut to reduce company overheads. Our team was told it was a temporary decision in anticipation of projected losses because of covid and we were expected to absorb the duties of this position despite our still excessive workload.

Company is in record profits just FYi.

My career progression plan was put on hold indefinitely and I only found out about this after asking repeatedly get non answers. As my current position was deemed vital for company growth (recruiter).

I love my team but it feel like I'm the only one ever speaking up so I out right quit. I voiced my objection with evidence of unreasonable workload and if this happens can they can start having discussions of TOIL, overtime terms, KPI adjustments etc and I shared info about these things with my team. As this wasn't brought up in the meeting we had.

Suddenly new HR Manager wants to meet. Meeting goes well for me because he's a idiot and didn't know I have a actual HR background and not just a recruiter.

Team now suddenly has a part time admin starting ASAP. My training and role transition to our Safety and risk team was fast tracked and I start next week with with a pay rise.

Moral of the story don't be afraid to call them on their shit and keep educated on your rights and know your worth as a person and employee.

Also shows how new poorly hired upper management can ruin a great place to work so quickly.

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