
How I jumped on the antiwork bandwagon

Repost with more info because my first post was removed. This is the story of my firsthand experience with terrible bosses who exploit workers. FTR I’m willing and able to work hard, but I will never again let myself or my employees be overworked and under compensated. This all happened long before I knew about this sub, so maybe I was antiwork, before I knew I was antiwork? I used to be the manager of a business. I always paid my employees as much as I could without the owner getting super mad. Often I paid them more than I was “allowed to” specially if they were great employees who I wanted to keep happy because they made the business more money. I was also at a point where the owners had no one else to replace me even if they did want to fire me. So I handed out…

Repost with more info because my first post was removed.

This is the story of my firsthand experience with terrible bosses who exploit workers. FTR I’m willing and able to work hard, but I will never again let myself or my employees be overworked and under compensated.

This all happened long before I knew about this sub, so maybe I was antiwork, before I knew I was antiwork?

I used to be the manager of a business.

I always paid my employees as much as I could without the owner getting super mad. Often I paid them more than I was “allowed to” specially if they were great employees who I wanted to keep happy because they made the business more money.

I was also at a point where the owners had no one else to replace me even if they did want to fire me. So I handed out raises like candy…. And guess what?!? I had great fucking workers.

I ended up leaving the position for many reasons (the big one was being sick of being unappreciated). Now a new person is in my place, and he kisses the owners asses… a real yes man. He doesn’t pay people what they deserve, doesn’t approve time off, makes people stay after their shifts, all the shitty things…

And guess what reditors? This business is extremely close to closing its doors.

I feel bad for my former coworkers. But I’m too busy counting they money I’m making working for a business owner who values me. But I have offered many of them positions at my new place if they want to come to the light side.

Moral of the story- antiwork doesn’t mean we won’t work, we won’t work for less than we deserve.

And we all deserve the best!

  • Edited for spelling –

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