
We need a workers bill of rights

It is simple you don't need to prove you want to unionize by organizing a vote, no, the employer needs to prove a cohort of hired employees do not favor unionization. So here's how it would work, for 365 days the employers hires people, as soon as they get hired the employers lets the govt know and the govt lets the employee know where to vote on whether they support unionization in general, union structure/type ect. can be decided later. If the majority votes for unionization within those 365 days then there must be vote on what structure of union. Also if an employee if fired within those 365 days their vote still counts, if they leave voluntarily it does not. Certain limits need to be in place also like if we look at average of particular demographic in terms getting new jobs in 1 year we can limit how…

It is simple you don't need to prove you want to unionize by organizing a vote, no, the employer needs to prove a cohort of hired employees do not favor unionization. So here's how it would work, for 365 days the employers hires people, as soon as they get hired the employers lets the govt know and the govt lets the employee know where to vote on whether they support unionization in general, union structure/type ect. can be decided later. If the majority votes for unionization within those 365 days then there must be vote on what structure of union. Also if an employee if fired within those 365 days their vote still counts, if they leave voluntarily it does not. Certain limits need to be in place also like if we look at average of particular demographic in terms getting new jobs in 1 year we can limit how many times the same person votes for unionization. However idk if you can get hired if you get fired every time in less than 30 days. This is a gray area, as there are many ways to leave so one can vote for unionization at many different businesses. This is bad because a competitor could have people purposefully screw with another business through this, and if the voting method is not fair it will be hard to pass.

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