
boss sent me a disciplinary email 1 hour into my vacation time

Background: On Monday morning I found that about $3,000 in invoicing didn't make it into our year end (March 31) and told my boss once I confirmed with the supplier and our accounting system. It was my responsibility to make sure all invoices were accounted for at year end. Someone else in the company was to forward me invoices when they came in, however I cannot get a straight answer if we ever received the missing invoices in question, leading me to believe we never received them. On Feb 22, a statement from the supplier was sent to my colleague, but it wasn't forwarded to me by my colleague until March 23. I must have missed the email because I don't remember seeing it. I was more focused on emails coming in that said “invoice attached”. I accept responsibility for not realizing that I was missing invoices (I was three…


On Monday morning I found that about $3,000 in invoicing didn't make it into our year end (March 31) and told my boss once I confirmed with the supplier and our accounting system. It was my responsibility to make sure all invoices were accounted for at year end. Someone else in the company was to forward me invoices when they came in, however I cannot get a straight answer if we ever received the missing invoices in question, leading me to believe we never received them.

On Feb 22, a statement from the supplier was sent to my colleague, but it wasn't forwarded to me by my colleague until March 23. I must have missed the email because I don't remember seeing it. I was more focused on emails coming in that said “invoice attached”.

I accept responsibility for not realizing that I was missing invoices (I was three months into this job at the time and had no idea we were missing anything, but I still took responsibility.)

Wednesday morning, I have a chat with my boss with my union rep where I said I took responsibility and that next year I'll call suppliers before year end to make sure we have everything.

My boss' reaction:
“I feel like you're being defensive and not taking responsibility here.”

I look over at the union rep confused by the statement and said that I did accept responsibility and I know I did wrong by missing the email and not calling the supplier. Again, I still don't know if we ever received the invoices.

The meeting ended with my boss saying she was going to micromanage me and that I had to create a spreadsheet with all fiscal orders and back orders to date. The meeting ended at about 1030am. She avoided me the rest of the day and took a different entrance into work to avoid seeing me. She avoided me all day Thursday too.

Thursday at 4pm, I started vacation for 10 days (back on May 30) and at 5pm I got an email from my boss saying that she was disappointed and felt disrespected by my tone at the meeting and felt like I wasn't taking this seriously despite me repeatedly saying it was my fault i didnt call the supplier. (I forgot to remove the email app from my phone before starting vacation.) She knew that I was going on vacation and not checking emails and specifically timed the email to be the first one I see when I get back from 10 days off.

Had I not seen the email, I would have come back from vacation thinking everything was fine only to be floored that she had a problem. She had 13 business hours to discuss this with me before going on vacation but opted to send this to me knowing it would completely throw me off my game on my first day back.

Have I had micromanagey run ins before with her? Yes… a couple this past month … she once was upset that I purchased too much milk and cream (we had one litre each left at the end of the week) for the office a week that of the 60 people I an an admin for, 20% were off sick with covid and I didn't know until supplies were purchased. She then wanted me to check every stapler in the office to make sure there were staples in it (despite there being boxes of staples beside the staplers in case someone needed them). My desk is also a dumping ground for her running around and finding random things she doesn't like in the office and just leaves them on my desk for me to rehome without any correspondence saying what it is and what needs to happen.

This is treading on the territory of hostile workplace and I will be filing a grievance with the Union when I'm back on May 30 against my boss.

Any tips on how to handle this shit? I've never received any disciplinary actions from an employer before and never had a boss so toxic. I love my job and I'm not leaving.

Also to add… she has multiple grievances against her by the union, yet somehow she still has a job.

Thanks in advance

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