
The time my job clocked me out while I assisted an older customer walk across the street

When I was 19 several years ago I was working in fast food. It was 15 minutes before the end of my shift and no customers in the store. I was cleaning up the lobby when an old woman probably in her 70s or 80s walked in and asked if someone could help walk her across the street. I looked at my assistant manager and he seemed confused. I said I'll do it. He asked how far am I taking her and she said right up the street about five minutes. He gave me the okay to leave. I held the woman's hand and i walked across the busy intersection. It took about 5-10 minutes to get back. When I walked back inside the restaurant my manager told me he already clocked me out for the day since I left the building. This annoyed me greatly but I didn't say…

When I was 19 several years ago I was working in fast food. It was 15 minutes before the end of my shift and no customers in the store. I was cleaning up the lobby when an old woman probably in her 70s or 80s walked in and asked if someone could help walk her across the street. I looked at my assistant manager and he seemed confused. I said I'll do it. He asked how far am I taking her and she said right up the street about five minutes. He gave me the okay to leave. I held the woman's hand and i walked across the busy intersection. It took about 5-10 minutes to get back. When I walked back inside the restaurant my manager told me he already clocked me out for the day since I left the building. This annoyed me greatly but I didn't say anything.

This is the same type of job that would BEG me to stay past my shift because they need someone to help close but then cut my hours because they don't want me to get overtime. Despite me actually enjoying the fast food environment believe it or not, I will never work in that industry again.

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