
I was almost fired and found a job before they decided not to, now what?

I work in a lab and on Friday I was told by my PI via slack that they may no longer have space for me. I crafted a reply regarding my recent downturn in performance (due to the semester being stressful and other things) and then began my search for a different position. I was not going to allow myself to not have some form of employment until I can set everything else up. So I cast a wide net and managed to attract some interest from another lab group. By EOD Friday, however, my PI decided not to fire me. My original group only employed me for 20hrs without the option of going to 40, so I was thinking of adding this second group as well in order to increase my hours to 40 so that I have enough money for rent, car payments, and savings. I am just…

I work in a lab and on Friday I was told by my PI via slack that they may no longer have space for me. I crafted a reply regarding my recent downturn in performance (due to the semester being stressful and other things) and then began my search for a different position. I was not going to allow myself to not have some form of employment until I can set everything else up. So I cast a wide net and managed to attract some interest from another lab group. By EOD Friday, however, my PI decided not to fire me.

My original group only employed me for 20hrs without the option of going to 40, so I was thinking of adding this second group as well in order to increase my hours to 40 so that I have enough money for rent, car payments, and savings.

I am just wondering if there are any stumbling blocks I should watch out for? These two PIs are in the same department (though in different fields), and I am a little worried about if they talk to each other then I'll lose both positions. That is to say, can my employer fire me for looking for a second job? Would another employer refuse to take me part-time if I have a different part-time position?

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