
My employer paid me less than minimum wage on my first paycheque back.

Edit: format sucks, sorry on mobile. So basically I’m a university student and I work at this place during the summer. I was making a little bit over minimum wage last summer but was offered a nice raise this summer. I was really looking forward to my first paycheque back to work since the semester ended, well I didn’t get paid the whole thing. I was missing at least $500-$600 in wages and hours. I texted my boss and they explained that “they can only change wages once a month, we’ll make it up to you on the next pay”, at this point I’m somewhat understanding. Moving on to 2 days ago at work, my boss asked to talk to me and explain what happened with my pay. They explained that the accountant (who was the manager last summer and has a huge HATE on for me) changed my wage…

Edit: format sucks, sorry on mobile.

So basically I’m a university student and I work at this place during the summer. I was making a little bit over minimum wage last summer but was offered a nice raise this summer. I was really looking forward to my first paycheque back to work since the semester ended, well I didn’t get paid the whole thing.
I was missing at least $500-$600 in wages and hours. I texted my boss and they explained that “they can only change wages once a month, we’ll make it up to you on the next pay”, at this point I’m somewhat understanding.

Moving on to 2 days ago at work, my boss asked to talk to me and explain what happened with my pay. They explained that the accountant (who was the manager last summer and has a huge HATE on for me) changed my wage to $11.05/hr,in my province the minimum wage is $13.35/hr. My boss was very apologetic, explaining that my next pay would make up for it, but fuck man. I needed the $ now, especially with the cost of gas, groceries, etc. I can’t believe that they did that, fucked me with my wage and hours.
I’m just pissed and needed to vent. Thanks for listening besties.

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