
I’m tired of changing jobs and being disappointed.

I am a at will employee so I can come and go as I please. I’m a nurse and prefer to give notice but job after job is just a nightmare after nightmare. I got another job, have you ever took time off one job to orient for another job then decide which to choose? Lol It’s starting to take a toll on my mental health changing jobs and being even more upset, and having lost the other job that was a little better. Thanks! Hope this may be the right place for this question! It just feels wrong but I realize these corporations wouldn’t think twice to do the same to me.

I am a at will employee so I can come and go as I please. I’m a nurse and prefer to give notice but job after job is just a nightmare after nightmare.

I got another job, have you ever took time off one job to orient for another job then decide which to choose? Lol

It’s starting to take a toll on my mental health changing jobs and being even more upset, and having lost the other job that was a little better.

Thanks! Hope this may be the right place for this question! It just feels wrong but I realize these corporations wouldn’t think twice to do the same to me.

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