
I have been wondering why so many insult those working what they consider “no skill jobs” but landscapers and things like that never come up.

This is definitely not to insult any career or job. I am of the belief if you are working full time you should be able to afford the necessities in life. No matter the job. But I often hear McDonald's and grocery store workers put down as low skill jobs that high schoolers do so they shouldn't be able to live off of that kind of job. But don't high schoolers also cut grass and stuff like that, but no one seems to have an issue with landscapers making so much money. I understand it is manual labor, but I don't think most people realize how much manual labor there is working in some areas of a grocery store. The same is probably true for fast food and stuff as well. I'm always just curious as to how people justify this argument.

This is definitely not to insult any career or job. I am of the belief if you are working full time you should be able to afford the necessities in life. No matter the job. But I often hear McDonald's and grocery store workers put down as low skill jobs that high schoolers do so they shouldn't be able to live off of that kind of job. But don't high schoolers also cut grass and stuff like that, but no one seems to have an issue with landscapers making so much money. I understand it is manual labor, but I don't think most people realize how much manual labor there is working in some areas of a grocery store. The same is probably true for fast food and stuff as well. I'm always just curious as to how people justify this argument.

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