
Toxic work environment, raise promised, and broken promises cause me to quit.

Yeah, basically same old story. I was hired by this hotel about a year ago, the girl who worked first shift on weekdays at the time decided to take a three week long vacation. My dad ended up bringing me along because otherwise for three weeks his life would consist of doubles and turn arounds. I came along helped out during their time of need. When she came back I got put on part time, and second shift. My boss after that conveniently forgot I was full time and only worked there to help out. Nonetheless I began to actually enjoy my job, Sunday nights were my favorite, I had the same people every week, I knew them all by name. They hired this other girl for second shift on weekdays, she was nice at first, we talked about everything. What I didn't realize at the time was when she…

Yeah, basically same old story. I was hired by this hotel about a year ago, the girl who worked first shift on weekdays at the time decided to take a three week long vacation. My dad ended up bringing me along because otherwise for three weeks his life would consist of doubles and turn arounds. I came along helped out during their time of need. When she came back I got put on part time, and second shift. My boss after that conveniently forgot I was full time and only worked there to help out. Nonetheless I began to actually enjoy my job, Sunday nights were my favorite, I had the same people every week, I knew them all by name. They hired this other girl for second shift on weekdays, she was nice at first, we talked about everything. What I didn't realize at the time was when she gets stressed she tends to take it out on everyone, and as it turned out specifically me. Later on, about February 2022 my dad quit, he had a much better opportunity, no one could blame him. After that this coworker became the manager, she became one of those managers that is specific about how she wants things done. If it isn't done the way she wants it you're in trouble. I did not conform to her, I was taught by my dad. In the hotel business I learned you can be a little lenient. Someone says they have a particular thing we give discounts for, its just a few dollars just give it to them, kinda thing. She hated this, everything had to be perfect. (she gets at least two complaints a day when she works.) Well it got to the point every time she saw me she had to yell at me for something, could be the stupidest things. I talked to my boss, he said he would talk to her, nothing came out of it. I ended up putting in my two weeks and he promised me a $4 increase in my pay, that he would be looking for someone to replace her, and that I wouldn't have to work with her anymore until he could replace her. A few weeks past, two paychecks worth, no raise, they hired her niece so she isn't going anywhere, they hired someone for the shift I was promised, and she still yelled at me, So I explained to my boss I can't do it anymore I get stressed out at the thought of seeing her, so I quit, my last week was great! however she did put me on the schedule by myself for Friday despite it being a seriously busy day, wedding, birthday party, and military. I feel she probably did it out of spite. Oh well!

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