
my boss told everyone that the guy before me was better at the job.

So this was fun, I was just talking with a co-worker having a short break and my manager walks in all mad, said “he asked me to do something and I still haven't done it” and that “the guy that worked here before me would do everything straight away he told him to do” He said this infront of everyone. I told him that since I work there a lot has changed and that I had to make a lot of updates to the system because the guy before me made a huge mess. I'm a purchaser, and I want a automated system that tells me when our stock is running low and I need to order new items, but this will only work if the prices and information in the system are correct. So conclusion I have more to do besides just ordering whatever he tells me to order…

So this was fun, I was just talking with a co-worker having a short break and my manager walks in all mad, said “he asked me to do something and I still haven't done it” and that “the guy that worked here before me would do everything straight away he told him to do”
He said this infront of everyone.

I told him that since I work there a lot has changed and that I had to make a lot of updates to the system because the guy before me made a huge mess.

I'm a purchaser, and I want a automated system that tells me when our stock is running low and I need to order new items, but this will only work if the prices and information in the system are correct.
So conclusion I have more to do besides just ordering whatever he tells me to order and sit there and wait for post-its to arrive from my manager. Fuck that..

The guy that worked here before me would get pieces of paper from our manager and just order whatever he wanted and thats all he did.

Thats about it, thanks for listening to my rant.

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