
Fuck my old boss.

Have been miserable at my job for the last few months so spent a week or so putting together my CV and started getting out there. Had a trial shift this past Saturday and got offered the position today. Significant pay boost, guaranted 45 hour a week contract in a much better business, holiday pay and annual leave. I'm not contracted with my current workplace so I'm not required to give any notice, but I figured its better to try and leave without burning bridges so I'm giving them a weeks notice. Went in on my day off today to speak with my boss, explained I've been offered new job and that I'm taking it. The exact phrase they used was “I'm really sorry GoatLegs but thats not going to work for me, its expected that all staff give at least a month's notice before leaving”. I told them that…

Have been miserable at my job for the last few months so spent a week or so putting together my CV and started getting out there. Had a trial shift this past Saturday and got offered the position today. Significant pay boost, guaranted 45 hour a week contract in a much better business, holiday pay and annual leave.

I'm not contracted with my current workplace so I'm not required to give any notice, but I figured its better to try and leave without burning bridges so I'm giving them a weeks notice. Went in on my day off today to speak with my boss, explained I've been offered new job and that I'm taking it.

The exact phrase they used was “I'm really sorry GoatLegs but thats not going to work for me, its expected that all staff give at least a month's notice before leaving”.

I told them that I was sorry for any inconvenience but I'm taking this position regardless.

“But I've already done the rotas up until July, the kitchen is fucked if you leave. You're going to have to stay until then.”

I told them that I'm taking the job. End of story. Boss walked off in a huff and refused to speak to me further about it. Has texted the work group chat multiple times today telling all of us that they require a months notice before leaving trying to scare us into submission.

My last day was supposed to be next Wednesday, but now it's today.

Fuck you, I quit.

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