
Calling off work once a month is LAUGHABLY little.

If you were to call off work once a month, or 12 times a year, and considering a standard work day, you’re missing 96 hours of work out of a ~2080 work year. Do you know how INSANELY little that is? That’s less than 5% of the work year you’d be spending at home. Not to go on an anti work tangent, but if you’re only expected to call off 5% of the year, that’s inhumane. You could DOUBLE it and it’d still be way too little. Not too mention, forcing a certain number of days that are acceptable to call off, means a lot of people go into work sick or mentally/physically drained. I know I have. If the company you’re working for allows more than that, or you’re allotted a shit ton of sick days, please use it to your advantage. The company doesn’t need any explanation for…

If you were to call off work once a month, or 12 times a year, and considering a standard work day, you’re missing 96 hours of work out of a ~2080 work year. Do you know how INSANELY little that is? That’s less than 5% of the work year you’d be spending at home.

Not to go on an anti work tangent, but if you’re only expected to call off 5% of the year, that’s inhumane. You could DOUBLE it and it’d still be way too little. Not too mention, forcing a certain number of days that are acceptable to call off, means a lot of people go into work sick or mentally/physically drained. I know I have.

If the company you’re working for allows more than that, or you’re allotted a shit ton of sick days, please use it to your advantage. The company doesn’t need any explanation for why you won’t be in that day, just take some time for yourself, after all, you’d only be gone 5% of the year.

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