
Fired for putting in my two weeks

I’ve worked at my job for about 10 years and have always been an exemplary employee until this year when the bosses started acting differently towards staff. Underpaying us and docking pay, installing security cameras to watch our every move and expecting us to go above and beyond for shit pay. Well I was offered a new position with more freedom and a lot more money and when I sent my notice in they replied basically saying “you can’t quit because you’re fired”. They even wrote a letter on company letterhead that was very personal and not professional at all, and then they threw my shit in a box and left it outside for me to pickup. So now I get to have an extra week off before beginning my new awesome job!

I’ve worked at my job for about 10 years and have always been an exemplary employee until this year when the bosses started acting differently towards staff. Underpaying us and docking pay, installing security cameras to watch our every move and expecting us to go above and beyond for shit pay. Well I was offered a new position with more freedom and a lot more money and when I sent my notice in they replied basically saying “you can’t quit because you’re fired”. They even wrote a letter on company letterhead that was very personal and not professional at all, and then they threw my shit in a box and left it outside for me to pickup. So now I get to have an extra week off before beginning my new awesome job!

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