
My mom could have been alive if she didn’t live in America

The U.S is literally a oligarchy where the bottom 90% of the population live at almost 3rd world level of condition and the top 1% live like kings. It is the most dystopian nation on earth. It shouldn’t be considered a developed country, it is an underdeveloped, in Democratic, dystopian country. My own mother died at 57 because she couldn’t afford medical treatment and worked all her life. She pulled 60-70 hour work weeks on average and for what? Just to live in a cardboard box house and eat corn based junk “food”? Fuck this country.

The U.S is literally a oligarchy where the bottom 90% of the population live at almost 3rd world level of condition and the top 1% live like kings. It is the most dystopian nation on earth. It shouldn’t be considered a developed country, it is an underdeveloped, in Democratic, dystopian country. My own mother died at 57 because she couldn’t afford medical treatment and worked all her life. She pulled 60-70 hour work weeks on average and for what? Just to live in a cardboard box house and eat corn based junk “food”? Fuck this country.

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