
Tone deaf email from a manager announcing a coworker leaving

First post so go easy but I thought this deserved to be here. I got CC’d in this long winded email today from a manager (not mine) and thought it belonged here. It’s one of the most tone deaf emails I’ve ever read. I’m not the worker in question, and I don’t work directly with them. I know its a long email, but this is worth the read. It’s no wonder the worker left with such a “supportive” manager who appears to reward success with nothing but unmanageable deadlines. I don’t think they struggled with the decision despite what the manager thinks. (Email below in full from said manager I just removed names and identifying projects) Hi All, Yesterday, (worker) informed me that they have accepted a role at another organisation. For myself, the team and many people who have worked with (worker) at (organisation), it is sad news. And…

First post so go easy but I thought this deserved to be here. I got CC’d in this long winded email today from a manager (not mine) and thought it belonged here. It’s one of the most tone deaf emails I’ve ever read.

I’m not the worker in question, and I don’t work directly with them.

I know its a long email, but this is worth the read. It’s no wonder the worker left with such a “supportive” manager who appears to reward success with nothing but unmanageable deadlines. I don’t think they struggled with the decision despite what the manager thinks.

(Email below in full from said manager I just removed names and identifying projects)

Hi All,

Yesterday, (worker) informed me that they have accepted a role at another organisation. For myself, the team and many people who have worked with (worker) at (organisation), it is sad news. And a decision the (worker) struggled with.

(Worker) first joined the Team back in 2016. Originally as a vendor resource, and later as a contractor and then as an employee. (Worker) has been a great resource for (organisation). Someone that has a good relationship with everyone. Someone that can be thrown into a project or problem, and you know they will get it done.

Rather than list the projects (worker) has contributed toward I’ll tell the story that better represents the pressure they have worked under:

“(Worker), we have a project, XZ project, integrating the X system with Z system. Mess this up and we may have a huge issue in the middle of the city. No pressure. Good luck buddy!”

With the project team, (worker) got it done.

Their reward was a series of projects with tight deadlines for solutions like A, B, and C projects. While delivering these projects they attended a HR and Safety kick-off for the D project. The GM shook their hand and thanked them for what they were about to deliver by June. (Worker) was booked to start in August….not deliver in June. (Worker) and I talked to the Project Manager:

“PM, The GM said we are delivering by June!!!”
“Didn’t I mention that?”
“No…..Noooo…you didn’t!!!”
“Is that a problem?”
“Yes, I’m delivering two other projects for you during the same time.”
“Oh………….we’ll manage it.”

(Worker) delivered all three projects with the help of the team under their leadership.

And their reward for (worker) was still finishing D project. “(Worker), we’ve got another project for you…’s a little project called ABCD…..the biggest project setup in the state. It’s a project that’s been going for a few years. We normally deliver one integration per month, but they want us to build 12 integrations in a month. And if we don’t, we hold up the entire project. Anyway….good luck buddy! “

And they got it done.

Their reward…..”(worker), we have a little project called EFG… integrating with the new partners. We must integrate with them by June 30th. No extensions. It’s end of Feb now and we won’t know what is required for some months. That should leave you with about a month to deliver……well……good luck buddy!”

And (worker) got it done.

And that leads to today, “(worker), I have a project …..40 integrations….they want it in a month and for fun….we are going to use an integration platform that we are not experts in………hey……what do you mean you have another job!!”

I am very sad to see them go. And when I look back on what (worker) achieved, maybe a little panic as well.

(Workers) last day will be XX of June 2022. Please join me in wishing them well.


(Tone deaf manager)

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