
“Nobody wants to work” conversation at the gas station….

I walk up to the counter, the cashier and a customer are having a conversation about how “nobody wants to work anymore”. It went a little something like this… Cashier: “Yeah we try to hire people but they all quit on us. Nobody wants to work anymore!” Customer: “I can’t even get anybody to hire, it’s ridiculous.” Cashier: “Are they still giving all that money out?” Customer: “I’m not sure I don’t think so..” And I wanted to hear the rest but I’m so fucking tired from busting my ass the last few days at my new job on top of my lack of sleep(sleeping problems). Conclusion: These people didn’t even understand why nobody wants to work anymore. They didn’t know if people were still getting “all that free money”. Yet they are the first people to complain about the fact that “Nobody wants to work anymore”. It made me…

I walk up to the counter, the cashier and a customer are having a conversation about how “nobody wants to work anymore”. It went a little something like this…

Cashier: “Yeah we try to hire people but they all quit on us. Nobody wants to work anymore!”

Customer: “I can’t even get anybody to hire, it’s ridiculous.”

Cashier: “Are they still giving all that money out?”

Customer: “I’m not sure I don’t think so..”

And I wanted to hear the rest but I’m so fucking tired from busting my ass the last few days at my new job on top of my lack of sleep(sleeping problems).

Conclusion: These people didn’t even understand why nobody wants to work anymore. They didn’t know if people were still getting “all that free money”. Yet they are the first people to complain about the fact that “Nobody wants to work anymore”.

It made me just shake my head. This cashier is a super nice lady and always very friendly, happy, and positive. I really do appreciate her. We’ve shared laughs, I’ve wished her son well yesterday because he had COVID, she greets every customer when they walk in the door. I know she has to work there to support her family.

Next time that I’m in there I’m going to ask what their starting pay is, and then tell them why everybody quits on them. But also…let’s be real…it’s a gas station. Not many people want to serve people constantly all day and be social like that.

I was too tired to stick around and educate them. It’s also not my job, I don’t get paid enough for that.

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