
This BBC article is saying Work from Home contributes to burnout, and that people are feeling more isolated. Opinions? “”Matt feels like he lost the opportunity to experience team camaraderie and friendships at the office. “A lot of people have said that in those first couple years, when you’re with people in the office until midnight, you’d all go out for pizza late at night,” he says. “We’re kind of missing that now because we work from home.” While there are employees across all generations working from home, millennials, Gen X and Boomers have almost all experienced pre-pandemic face-to-face time with colleagues. And even if they’ve started a new job amid the pandemic, mid-career professionals are more familiar with navigating a new workplace, explains Caven, making it easier to integrate into a new company remotely. This experience might also help older professionals to draw harder boundaries between work and home life; Oracle’s 2020 AI@Work Study showed 66% of full-time Gen Z workers who were in the workforce pre-pandemic…

“”Matt feels like he lost the opportunity to experience team camaraderie and friendships at the office. “A lot of people have said that in those first couple years, when you’re with people in the office until midnight, you’d all go out for pizza late at night,” he says. “We’re kind of missing that now because we work from home.”

While there are employees across all generations working from home, millennials, Gen X and Boomers have almost all experienced pre-pandemic face-to-face time with colleagues. And even if they’ve started a new job amid the pandemic, mid-career professionals are more familiar with navigating a new workplace, explains Caven, making it easier to integrate into a new company remotely.

This experience might also help older professionals to draw harder boundaries between work and home life; Oracle’s 2020 AI@Work Study showed 66% of full-time Gen Z workers who were in the workforce pre-pandemic reported working more hours per week than they did before Covid-19, compared to 59% of millennials and 48% of Gen X.””

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