
I’m at a complete loss on what to do

Hi there! I'm looking for some advice. I apologize in advance for the length. I am currently pigeonholed in a position that should've released me to the new department that I accepted a position with. But the higher up is the same higher up for the other department. Now per union Weingarten rights, I will be moved, but I was supposed to train this new person. But they haven't even started yet. But because I'm such a great employee, the higher up feels I'm the only person who could train this new person. But the union rep seems more like the company “yes” person and has a history of siding more with the higher ups. So I feel like everything has fallen on deaf ears on my pleas to be moved now. So knowing this, I've still tried to make the best of it, trying to keep positive that EVENTUALLY…

Hi there! I'm looking for some advice. I apologize in advance for the length.

I am currently pigeonholed in a position that should've released me to the new department that I accepted a position with. But the higher up is the same higher up for the other department. Now per union Weingarten rights, I will be moved, but I was supposed to train this new person. But they haven't even started yet. But because I'm such a great employee, the higher up feels I'm the only person who could train this new person. But the union rep seems more like the company “yes” person and has a history of siding more with the higher ups. So I feel like everything has fallen on deaf ears on my pleas to be moved now.

So knowing this, I've still tried to make the best of it, trying to keep positive that EVENTUALLY I'll be moved. So onto my issue.

I made plans to leave work early tomorrow, and to get most of all my work due on Tue done today (Thu) so I can get the errands (which involves getting estimates for hail damage on my vehicle, amongst other things) I need to get done on Friday (tomorrow). First it was just fine & leaving early wasn't going to be a problem. Then I get a call from my charge, telling me the higher up got wind that this other department (the one I'm supposed to be transferring to eventually) is going to be really short tomorrow & so I will need to float to said other department to work. Which means that all the errands I need to run tomorrow if I were to leave early won't be happening. I'm beyond angry and extremely tempted to call out at 5 am (I have the leave available).

What makes me so angry is that I've been waiting to leave this position since Mar 28th, because I'm in a toxic department. And yet, the higher up can feel like they can just throw me over to the other dept to help anytime they like. But yet, fails to completely move me over. I've already started looking for employment elsewhere. But I'm at a loss as far as what to do. I unfortunately can't just up and quit as I'm the sole income earner for my family.

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