
Advice/Help needed

Hello everyone. I was just recently let go of from a job. And it all seemed suspicious. Let me explain the situation. I was a server at a senior living facility. Another server was standing in the doorway of where I needed to go. Which was our dining room. I just walked past her because I didn't want to wait anymore to try and get by. I walked past her, and as I walked past her I touched her. It wasn't intentional contact, I just happened to brush her as I was walking by. Then that server snapped at me and said “you could've at least said excuse me!” I was put an unpaid leave for a week while they did their little BS “investigation”. They do have a camera in our kitchen which caught what happened. So I came back on a Tuesday and was told I was being…

Hello everyone. I was just recently let go of from a job. And it all seemed suspicious. Let me explain the situation. I was a server at a senior living facility. Another server was standing in the doorway of where I needed to go. Which was our dining room. I just walked past her because I didn't want to wait anymore to try and get by. I walked past her, and as I walked past her I touched her. It wasn't intentional contact, I just happened to brush her as I was walking by. Then that server snapped at me and said “you could've at least said excuse me!” I was put an unpaid leave for a week while they did their little BS “investigation”. They do have a camera in our kitchen which caught what happened. So I came back on a Tuesday and was told I was being let go. My bosses crappy reason for letting me go, was that even if the contact wasn't intentional that it was still grounds for firing me. Something didn't seem right about that, and it kind of bothered me a bit after I got fired. Imagine if the scenario was me walking out to the dining room and I walked by someone I worked with and I made unintentional contact. Would I get fired from that too? Something doesn't seem right here. I have this feeling they had some kind of ulterior motive or reason to get rid of me. Looks like they got what they wanted, clearly. Do I have any standing or grounds to take legal action? My cab driver suggested I ask around, and I figured here is a good place to start and ask for advice.
Thank you everyone in advance for any advice.

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