
Boss caught covid and was out all of May and now I’m being forced to play catch up for him without being payed overtime and our lunch breaks cut. What are my options?

My boss was on vacation for two weeks starting in May but caught covid and has been out now for all of May. The higher ups say we need to make up for his lost time and has taken away our overtime pay and lunch breaks. There's a few people that aren't really saying much but most of us don't know what to do as this is obviously not right. Any advice?

My boss was on vacation for two weeks starting in May but caught covid and has been out now for all of May. The higher ups say we need to make up for his lost time and has taken away our overtime pay and lunch breaks. There's a few people that aren't really saying much but most of us don't know what to do as this is obviously not right. Any advice?

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