
Email today about a threat to the school I work at.

I am a school-based SLP. We got an email from the district I work for that a FaceTime between students last night was reported and investigated by local police who found “some of the information reported was founded,” while they “cannot share further details due to student confidentiality laws” (i get the confidentiality but i feel like more information is needed to put us teachers at ease). Another threat was reported at the high school in our district last night as well. My question is why in the ever-living fuck are we carrying on at school today? Why was class not canceled? 1 full day and 3 minimum days left in our school year. Why are we risking our teachers’ and students’ lives while nothing of substance is happening at school? I have already put in my resignation, and I do not plan to return to the profession. Chalk up…

I am a school-based SLP. We got an email from the district I work for that a FaceTime between students last night was reported and investigated by local police who found “some of the information reported was founded,” while they “cannot share further details due to student confidentiality laws” (i get the confidentiality but i feel like more information is needed to put us teachers at ease). Another threat was reported at the high school in our district last night as well. My question is why in the ever-living fuck are we carrying on at school today? Why was class not canceled? 1 full day and 3 minimum days left in our school year. Why are we risking our teachers’ and students’ lives while nothing of substance is happening at school? I have already put in my resignation, and I do not plan to return to the profession. Chalk up another reason I don’t want to work in this field anymore.

Thankfully nothing has happened. Still 45 minutes left today. This is now the second time in my career I’ve locked myself away in my classroom, lights off doing paperwork because of possible shooting threats at a school I work at. Enough is fucking enough.

Fuck their prayers. They haven’t worked to stop a massacre of school children yet. Teachers really ought to have a mass strike until Congress acts. This issues is so tied to the anti-work movement. People barely able to provide for their families, no access to mental healthcare (no universal healthcare), extremely easy access to guns, parents can’t be around to raise their kids or keep tabs cuz they have to work to the bone to barely keep the lights on…it’s a perpetual loop of despair with a helping of propaganda that mixes into an amalgamation of resentment, hate, insecurity, and powerlessness.

Not really sure where else this rant was going but had to get it off my chest.

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