
Asked my boss why the new guys was making more than me as a newhire and this is what he told me:

A super vague background: I've been working for this company for 2.5 years and only make $15/h. Never had a raise, never asked for one. A while ago one of our guys quit and they hired this new guy and sent him to me for training for a few day. While I'm teaching the guy the ropes I casually ask him how much they started him with and he says “$16/h” I stop for a second then just keep going with the explanations and such. Later in the day when the boss came in I called her out on it, said it was unfair that I've been here for this long without any complains and this guy gets hired overnight and is already making more than me. Now here's the shocker! She starts saying how thankful she is I brought this to her attention 'cause the guy was “Not supposed…

A super vague background: I've been working for this company for 2.5 years and only make $15/h. Never had a raise, never asked for one.

A while ago one of our guys quit and they hired this new guy and sent him to me for training for a few day. While I'm teaching the guy the ropes I casually ask him how much they started him with and he says “$16/h” I stop for a second then just keep going with the explanations and such.

Later in the day when the boss came in I called her out on it, said it was unfair that I've been here for this long without any complains and this guy gets hired overnight and is already making more than me.

Now here's the shocker!
She starts saying how thankful she is I brought this to her attention 'cause the guy was “Not supposed to be hired at $16/h” and how “She will look into it and fix the issue”. Mind you! The issue being he's supposed to be making $15/h! I start telling her how that's such a shitty thing to do, that he was already hired for that amount and that lowering his rate is a “Scumbag Move” and I wouldn't be surprised if he quit whenever this gets brought up.

I was fuming, I left her office and went back to my station. Told the guy what happened and to “Be ready”.

I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't come on Monday, I know I wouldn't! I'm close to hitting a best paying job that's also fully remote so I'll be chilling for a few until that lands.


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