
Workplace implosion speeding up

So I've talked about my workplace previously and I'll attach links for those interested. For context, I was hired with the expectation and understanding I would work 20 hours a week to fit around my full time study, which is obviously my priority. Our ideal complement of drivers is 200 to cover all runs while also covering expected days off and so on. We've been running somewhere < 150 since January, with a couple in and out. This means everyone has been getting extra shifts, and I just found out this week that a couple of my colleagues have been working 13 days a fortnight, which is a huge safety breach and grossly illegal, but the company keeps rostering them to work, their English isn't great and I think they just do what they're told. We've had late pays, fuel cards have mysteriously stopped working and we've been asked us…

So I've talked about my workplace previously and I'll attach links for those interested. For context, I was hired with the expectation and understanding I would work 20 hours a week to fit around my full time study, which is obviously my priority.

Our ideal complement of drivers is 200 to cover all runs while also covering expected days off and so on. We've been running somewhere < 150 since January, with a couple in and out. This means everyone has been getting extra shifts, and I just found out this week that a couple of my colleagues have been working 13 days a fortnight, which is a huge safety breach and grossly illegal, but the company keeps rostering them to work, their English isn't great and I think they just do what they're told. We've had late pays, fuel cards have mysteriously stopped working and we've been asked us to pay for fuel out of our personal bank accounts to be paid back "soon", and the vehicles aren't being adequately serviced, which is resulting in breakdowns which leads to more running around to catch up and cover other runs.

So against this background, the logistics officer and the training officer quit this morning without notice. No one gave an explanation, but they've been the guys trying to cover all our contracted commitments without adequate drivers or vehicles for the last 5 months and frankly I'm surprised they lasted this long. I have worked in logistics and operations previously for transport and military organisations, and it is a stressful-as-shit job. So even though I have a background in logistics, I was hired as a casual driver and I have absolutely no desire to run an operations centre again. So guess who just got a call from the company owner himself to cheerfully, casually tell me that they're rostering me on to work in the operations room next week? I said “I guess could do it for a day or two in an absolute emergency”, he said “no, no, this would be fulltime until we get someone hired and trained up” I was kind of shocked at the presumption, but managed to ask “so how much are you going to pay me for this?” and he said “your contracted hourly rate, but it's full time, so you'll be making twice as much as you get now”. I managed not to laugh at him, but did say “I have university commitments that I absolutely have to meet, so thanks for the offer but I'll have to decline.”

Like I want my fingerprints on this trainwreck.

No pay 1

No pay 2

Can't pay bills on time, drives a Lamborghini

Predicted roster screwup

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