
More work (and hours) for less pay?

I work for a company where we go store to store stocking their moulding for them. When I was hired on the description I was given was I’d be assisting one of the older guys who had been there awhile. Apparently he’s still younger than 40 so not too old, but he has a shoulder injury from being there 9 years so his doctor only allows him to do the manual labor 4 hours a day at most. All this seemed fine and was cool when the first two months we were only doing 4ish hours a day and still getting paid full days. But since then, the last 3 months, they’ve added 3 new stores on top of our old workload, send my partner I was supposed to “assist” away somewhere else where he just has to write an order and he’s home within 3 hours while I do…

I work for a company where we go store to store stocking their moulding for them. When I was hired on the description I was given was I’d be assisting one of the older guys who had been there awhile. Apparently he’s still younger than 40 so not too old, but he has a shoulder injury from being there 9 years so his doctor only allows him to do the manual labor 4 hours a day at most. All this seemed fine and was cool when the first two months we were only doing 4ish hours a day and still getting paid full days. But since then, the last 3 months, they’ve added 3 new stores on top of our old workload, send my partner I was supposed to “assist” away somewhere else where he just has to write an order and he’s home within 3 hours while I do 7-8 hours of tough manual labor. We get paid the same hours but since he’s been there much longer he obviously gets paid more. This has really been bugging me so I’ve been leaving when he does recently and he tattled to our boss and I got a whole “good ol boys” speech. All in all, wish I could just be fired to get unemployment until I find another job but I’m looking around currently. Sorry for this slightly incoherent rant but had to get how I’m feeling treated unfairly out there

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