
Work is holding a promotion over me that I can only have if I come in to the office more regularly

So my job like many became entirely remote over the pandemic, people have since started to return to the office and I've been in once or twice. Now however a promotion for me is in the works but I've basically been told I will not be considered unless I start returning to the office more. My job does not require any in office work, there are occasional site visits for clients that I have no problem with but I just hate the office, hate commuting, and share a vehicle which all makes this difficult. I have told them this multiple times. How the hell do I tell them that I have no intention of returning to the office more that can't be questioned (they suggested getting me a hire car so I could commute which is just a massive no), I don't care about the promotion anymore but they're so…

So my job like many became entirely remote over the pandemic, people have since started to return to the office and I've been in once or twice. Now however a promotion for me is in the works but I've basically been told I will not be considered unless I start returning to the office more.

My job does not require any in office work, there are occasional site visits for clients that I have no problem with but I just hate the office, hate commuting, and share a vehicle which all makes this difficult. I have told them this multiple times.

How the hell do I tell them that I have no intention of returning to the office more that can't be questioned (they suggested getting me a hire car so I could commute which is just a massive no), I don't care about the promotion anymore but they're so insistent that I take it and that they'll be “very disappointed” if I choose to stay in my current role, which in their language I think means they would sack me.

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