
Just lied through my teeth to even get an interview

This is a rant. I'm moving at the end of the summer and I have surgery mid June. Am I going to tell an employer this? No. I'm also not going to look for a serious job because with everything going on there isn't a point. So I threw nine applications at Store because I need SOMETHING. “we're not hiring seasonal for summer, is that still okay with you?” Why yes ma'am that is absolutely a-okay. Listen, I don't care about Store. I simply want the cash to pay my rent and bills. Come June Im going to say that I have to have emergency surgery and therefore need X amount of time off. If they fire me? Whatever. When I have to move? Oh, my partner suddenly got a job offer in Area and so we have to move, can I transfer or should I put in my notice?…

This is a rant. I'm moving at the end of the summer and I have surgery mid June. Am I going to tell an employer this? No. I'm also not going to look for a serious job because with everything going on there isn't a point. So I threw nine applications at Store because I need SOMETHING. “we're not hiring seasonal for summer, is that still okay with you?” Why yes ma'am that is absolutely a-okay. Listen, I don't care about Store. I simply want the cash to pay my rent and bills. Come June Im going to say that I have to have emergency surgery and therefore need X amount of time off. If they fire me? Whatever. When I have to move? Oh, my partner suddenly got a job offer in Area and so we have to move, can I transfer or should I put in my notice?

I'm fresh out of college and my only experience is retail. I just need something for now, I have less than $300 to my name. I'm sick of this. Sick of having to lie to get ANYTHING. Sick of being so desperate for pennies that I have no option but to accept whatever comes my way. Don't even get me started on not disclosing chronic illnesses.

I'm sick of it. Things shouldn't be this way.

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