
we should stop having babies, most of us can’t even affoard it !

Having children is expensive, in fact it's so expensive that in todays society it's impossible to retire throught saving if you're earning an average amount and have would it be just one child. But capitalist society needs us to creat more tiny humans to replace us when we retire/die. But what if we don't ? What if the working class who can't affoard to have both a confortable life and children decides to have a confortable life and no children ? I mean sure rich people are still going to have kids, and their kids will inherit their parents Wealth and companies… But what if those young new billionaire CEO have no one to work for them or consume the goods ? What if there just left together between rich people and end up in the apocalyptique world fending for themselves ? I think that would be a pretty cool…

Having children is expensive, in fact it's so expensive that in todays society it's impossible to retire throught saving if you're earning an average amount and have would it be just one child.

But capitalist society needs us to creat more tiny humans to replace us when we retire/die. But what if we don't ? What if the working class who can't affoard to have both a confortable life and children decides to have a confortable life and no children ? I mean sure rich people are still going to have kids, and their kids will inherit their parents Wealth and companies… But what if those young new billionaire CEO have no one to work for them or consume the goods ? What if there just left together between rich people and end up in the apocalyptique world fending for themselves ?

I think that would be a pretty cool turn of event, a good middle finger, a lesson to those who reduced the buying power of the working class to the minimum. You can't basically kill a population throught low pay and not expect that population to die at some point. Like they're going to pay our children even less, what's the point of giving them birth if they're just going to end up in an even worse situation than ours ?

That's the leverage we've got on rich people. We can't riot anymore or quit our jobs otherwise we'll just end up poor and die silently under a bridge in the winter. But we can threaten them with not reproducing, they can't threaten to lower the pay of our kids if we don't have any, our non existant kids would just be our long term rioting plan.

I mean that would probably mean the end of humanity if the rich are unwilling to make any consession to give us some quality of life… But is that really bad ? If they're not willing to make concession on that it's unlikely they're willing to make concession for ecology so either way we're doomed, one death is just less painfull than the other, in one de make our kids suffer in the other they do not exist and therefore do not suffer.

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