
The Economist wants job applicants to write free articles

A while ago I saw a job ad by the Economist looking to hire a writer. I thought it looked interesting so I applied. The interview process dragged on since March and supposedly they will pick someone in July. Each of us was required to come up with ideas, do background research, and write a full article that they can publish. All this work so one of us gets to chat with the editor in the end. And they didn't publish any salary information. I found a job elsewhere and just couldn't be bothered to go through the process. It disgusts me when companies ask job applicants to do free work.

A while ago I saw a job ad by the Economist looking to hire a writer. I thought it looked interesting so I applied. The interview process dragged on since March and supposedly they will pick someone in July. Each of us was required to come up with ideas, do background research, and write a full article that they can publish. All this work so one of us gets to chat with the editor in the end. And they didn't publish any salary information. I found a job elsewhere and just couldn't be bothered to go through the process. It disgusts me when companies ask job applicants to do free work.

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