
I just got insulted by an angry costumer

Sorry for the disturbance. I'm still a bit chocked as I kept my cool I had to keep it inside me and I feel like I have to speak about it to feel a little bit better. Also sorry for broken english. ​ I work at a zoo during the week end. And we encounter all day long all kind of rude costumers, impolite costumers. We receive most of the time passive agressive remarks and we try to not care about it as it is happening a lot. Obviously We can't get angry at everyone who is rude At the end of the day. I was tired and on the nerve as I stayed on my feet all day long, under the sun with a 27 degree celsius temperature, with no shadow zone to cover myself. During all day I had a lot of clients who were rude as usual.…

Sorry for the disturbance. I'm still a bit chocked as I kept my cool I had to keep it inside me and I feel like I have to speak about it to feel a little bit better.

Also sorry for broken english.

I work at a zoo during the week end. And we encounter all day long all kind of rude costumers, impolite costumers. We receive most of the time passive agressive remarks and we try to not care about it as it is happening a lot. Obviously We can't get angry at everyone who is rude

At the end of the day. I was tired and on the nerve as I stayed on my feet all day long, under the sun with a 27 degree celsius temperature, with no shadow zone to cover myself. During all day I had a lot of clients who were rude as usual.

I see this guy coming with his wife and child. I say hello to them with a smile and I don't get any reply. I don't say anything and I scan their their tickets. The guy looked at me in a very condescending manner. he doesn't say anything and just left. I look at him and say thank you and let them go.

He suddenly turns his back and starts yelling “I said thank you”. I did'nt hear anything and didn't see any of his lips moving. I ask him to calm down and to not take me for an idiot.

He then moves and start to put his head on my foreheard, he then yells at me, insults me of an idiot, of a jerk. He basically spills out all bad words from his mouth in front of his wife and his kid.

I stayed calm and took everything inside me. I remembered this quote from gandhi “don't treat people as bad as they are, treat them as good as you are”. I went looking for my superior. He said that he did'nt have to speak to me like that and he was shocked by how this guy behaved. He also said that I didn't have to say the idiot thing and i should have just let him go because it wasn't worth to start a fight for this.

He's right obviously. I just don't know for how long I will be able to work there. I'm paid minimum wage to be treated like shit from other people, to stay under the sun all day without being able to sit, to receive insults from social cases..

how would you handle it in my place ?

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