
The juxtaposition

Did 7.5 years in prison. Somewhere along the way, life and the reality of how fragile and short a human life is hit my with full force. I jumped into school and worked on improving myself, began working out like crazy. Years passed. I was released and within 2 weeks was registered for a manufacturing engineering technology program at a local community college. 1st job I had coming out of this just so happened to be alongside the former police dispatcher that worked on my case when I was younger, he had become a manufacturing technician. First couple weeks in, he made it known that he recognized me. I had no clue who he was. In that same 2 weeks he pulled my past up on his work laptop and walked around the floor showing my mugshot to line leaders and line supervisors. Asked our supervisor if “we were hiring…

Did 7.5 years in prison. Somewhere along the way, life and the reality of how fragile and short a human life is hit my with full force. I jumped into school and worked on improving myself, began working out like crazy. Years passed. I was released and within 2 weeks was registered for a manufacturing engineering technology program at a local community college. 1st job I had coming out of this just so happened to be alongside the former police dispatcher that worked on my case when I was younger, he had become a manufacturing technician.

First couple weeks in, he made it known that he recognized me. I had no clue who he was. In that same 2 weeks he pulled my past up on his work laptop and walked around the floor showing my mugshot to line leaders and line supervisors. Asked our supervisor if “we were hiring convicts now.”

I'm not going to get into the full nature of what I incurred over the next several months, but this group of people plastered my locker box and work area with gigantic unicorn and rainbow stickers, and ultimately, I was fed a subway sub which was said have had semen on it. That was my breaking point, on the inside I was ready to commit a felony over this right there on the spot and it took every ounce of self-restraint I had to stay straight in this moment. Police came, this ended up a federal lawsuit in Ohio's Northern District Court. The case has been resolved now for about 15 months and I don't know how to explain it here, but I am being trolled out everywhere in my life in the aftermath of this.

I graduated last Sunday with a BA in Project Management(#2) and with everything I've incurred in the past year I'm not sure how I made it here to be honest. I was left for dead up in Michigan right after the lawsuit by an integrator that had direct ties to the company I sued, they fired me for no reason- I have videos of the service director Steve laughing at me as I asked him why they were doing this to me- his response through a laugh “this is an employment at will state Anthony, we no longer have the will to have you employed here.” They never paid for relo and left me in a financial mess. I was nearly homeless then, but then integrator 2 comes in and moves me back to Ohio- no relo, but they agree to a small sign-on bonus that didn't even cover the deposit I lost in Michigan but I have to work 90 days to get it. I had no choice, took the role, was nearly homeless. Maxed loans out, credit cards maxed out, personal loans from family- done. I total my car driving home from work in the snow, and called my manager to tell him I needed a pay review because I was being paid $25,000 below median average. 87 days in and they call me in for this “pay review” and its actually a firing because… drumroll… Employment at will once again.

So here I sit, prepping to graduate, and my landlord comes over 3 weeks prior to graduation to pick up rent. I hand him the money and he pushes it away and produces an eviction notice. Well here it is Friday, and the eviction is officially filed in the courthouse. I'm writing this here because I need help aligning myself with opportunity, I would love nothing else than to be working again. LinkedIn has been a total wash for me, most of the what I've encountered seems to be very retributive on LI- and at that, my negative experiences have derived from roles through linkedin.

I'm not really sure what to do. How to explain to a hiring manager the gaps in employment. Resume/Portfolio all that stuff is linked in my profile.

To make matters worse, while the trial was going on I met a woman and began noticing a lot of odd things. I became suspicious of who she was. She left in a haste, and when I moved I found a bag full of smartphones and with sims removed and passport(s) hidden under my sink. They were hers and immediately alarm bells are ringing in my head. But I don't know anyone that can analyze internal data at this point and my attorney is not answering.

Well, last Sunday I graduated in Tucson and someone broke into my house while I was away. The only thing stolen was that bag of cellphones. I'd returned the passport to her via USPS. Kept the phones though because I had a feeling…

I need a job and away from this area/these people. If anyone reading this can help. I would be grateful.

T-2 days to homeless

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