
Mixed Bag of Emotions

I’ve been working at a small public accounting firm for almost 7 years now and have moved up significantly and am essentially a manager. Beginning of May I let my boss know I was going to be taking off some once my wife and I have our son. He informed me he’s going to get a computer for me to take home so I can check emails sporadically so I don’t come back and have hundreds of emails. I reluctantly agreed as it made sense…coming back from any extended time is brutal. Couple weeks go by and I still don’t have any of the equipment to set up an office. I ask again and was told it’ll be ready before his due date in June. Wife & I go back to the dr and get the news we’re going to have baby boy next week (this was on 5/19). We’re…

I’ve been working at a small public accounting firm for almost 7 years now and have moved up significantly and am essentially a manager.
Beginning of May I let my boss know I was going to be taking off some once my wife and I have our son. He informed me he’s going to get a computer for me to take home so I can check emails sporadically so I don’t come back and have hundreds of emails. I reluctantly agreed as it made sense…coming back from any extended time is brutal.
Couple weeks go by and I still don’t have any of the equipment to set up an office. I ask again and was told it’ll be ready before his due date in June.
Wife & I go back to the dr and get the news we’re going to have baby boy next week (this was on 5/19). We’re excited naturally, but I still have no equipment to sent up an office. I go to Best Buy, buy some monitors, keyboard and a mouse and ask for the computer again to which it’s delivered. The same night of 5/19, my wife’s blood pressure shot up to 174/107 and we went to the hospital at midnight and she was admitted with a c-section scheduled the next day. We’re so thankful baby boy is doing great and has no major issues, same for mom!
We stay at the hospital through Monday so I don’t have any time to set up the office until we get home. The computer I was given doesn’t use HDMI, so I go get some adapters. Those work, now the computer doesn’t have built in wifi so our tech guy gives me a wireless adapter. The computer doesn’t have the drivers installed so the adapter doesn’t work.
I finally got to the point where I said screw it, this shit can wait and I don’t even care.
We had to go back to the hospital for slight jaundice and I am just so pissed off and annoyed at work for not getting everything taken care of. Our son is healthy and doing great, however over this wonderful time, work has constantly been in the back of my mind.
I shouldn’t have to be concerned about work during one of the best times of our lives.
Did I get dealt a crappy deal in all this? I know I shouldn’t, butI feel guilty for not being able to at least help in some way.

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