
My resignation has turned into what feels like a never-ending saga

So, just under a month ago I was looking at job adverts and sent my CV off to a few places. I didn't figure it'd go anywhere, really, it was just a casual look-through to see what was out there. Well, long story short I now work for a new company in a completely different field. (Used to be teaching, I now work in an office doing corporate compliance, organising audits and testing) The same day I was offered the office job, I sent through my resignation letter. In the email I asked some questions, e.g, if you're not the right person to contact please point me in the right direction. (I sent the letter through to the head of my region for teaching, I answered to her for everything else, so figured it was the right person) Never heard anything back. Three days later I sent a second email…

So, just under a month ago I was looking at job adverts and sent my CV off to a few places. I didn't figure it'd go anywhere, really, it was just a casual look-through to see what was out there. Well, long story short I now work for a new company in a completely different field. (Used to be teaching, I now work in an office doing corporate compliance, organising audits and testing)

The same day I was offered the office job, I sent through my resignation letter. In the email I asked some questions, e.g, if you're not the right person to contact please point me in the right direction. (I sent the letter through to the head of my region for teaching, I answered to her for everything else, so figured it was the right person) Never heard anything back. Three days later I sent a second email just asking for confirmation that my initial email had been received. Still nothing. So that was on the Friday that I sent the second email. I knew it was the correct email address because I was receiving group emails from her, so I knew she was working at least, and not on holiday still after Christmas. Attached to the bottom of all the emails were her contact information and a phone number for a direct line to her. So I started calling. I called every day asking for confirmation that my emails, as well as my resignation letter had been received. Every single time, I got through to answer machine. No one ever called me back.

I then sent my resignation letter through snail mail, just to cover my bases so that if anything happened, they couldn't come after me. I was still on all the online teaching platforms, however, by this stage it had been two weeks of trying to get an answer, and my first day at the new job was fast approaching.

The next week, I sent another email to ask for a follow up, and at like, eight the next morning, she finally replied to me. Said she had received my messages, and after the next payrun I'd be terminated from payroll and taken off the online systems. That was it. No thank you, not even a goodbye.

I thought it was over, but it wasn't. I have recieved emails that are supposed to go to other people. The first one was for a series of professional developments courses that someone wanted to organise for another part of the country. I politely replied, told them I was not Judy and that I no longer work there. Yesterday, I got another email for a different head office for a different region of teaching, about someone's maternity leave. Again, I politely informed them that I no longer teach and I am not the intended recipient for the email. Both times I was told, that because I no longer work for the company, my name would be taken of all the mailing lists.

This morning, I get another email. This was one of those auto-generated no reply type generic type emails that some companies send out. Attached to it was an anonymous survey about my time at the company, an employee exit survey. So, I fill out the attached survey and send it off and then about a minute later, I get an image of a red traffic light and a note attached that I've been blocked from replying.

So, just to wrap this all up, it took them weeks to get back to me about my resignation and to be removed from online teacher-only platforms, I've been sent emails that are not meant for me, I'm still CC'd in on group emails despite being told that my name would be taken off the mailing lists, and I was sent an employee exit survey that I can't even reply to because I'm blocked, because I no longer work for them, so I can't complete the surveys.

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