
Welder Retired Early

This is a form of Antiwork. I Was Production welder 33 years counting two plants I've worked at. (all you need to know is it is all about the numbers) I Was top seniority on 3rd shift when I retired during Covid. But during that Nov 2019 a coworker was crushed and died. (Robot loading fixture) My partner found him 1st, myself 2nd. long story shortened. I ended up running same area. Then on day 4 – I was told by my “Lead” I needed to load parts into fixture before Robot loaded main part. I laughed and ask him straight to his face, “How did my co-worker die?” Silenced him right away. He calls Supervisor on radio. Supervisor comes over tells me the same thing as my lead did. Again I ask “How did my co-worker die?” It is under investigation was the answer. I replied well I'll just…

This is a form of Antiwork. I Was Production welder 33 years counting two plants I've worked at. (all you need to know is it is all about the numbers) I Was top seniority on 3rd shift when I retired during Covid. But during that Nov 2019 a coworker was crushed and died. (Robot loading fixture) My partner found him 1st, myself 2nd. long story shortened. I ended up running same area. Then on day 4 – I was told by my “Lead” I needed to load parts into fixture before Robot loaded main part. I laughed and ask him straight to his face, “How did my co-worker die?” Silenced him right away. He calls Supervisor on radio. Supervisor comes over tells me the same thing as my lead did. Again I ask “How did my co-worker die?” It is under investigation was the answer. I replied well I'll just wait till the main part is loaded. His reply you Really need to load those parts before. I said No. Then remembering we are an ISO9001 Plant I ask for the written job process which I knew did not exist. (but should of) I told my Supervisor I'd be happy to go to HR in the morning with him to discuss the matter. Next day I was put back in my old station. Following week went out on Medical for a Year and a half, for Hernia, rotator cuff and a few minor surgeries, then I Retired with a small pension and everything paid off. (I win-lol)

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